To do any wazifa you must have a correct
Sunni belief. If you didn't, either the wazifa
will not work or it will harm you instead.
If your belief is not correct and you did a
wazifa and it worked, it only means that
Allah is giving you a chance to get back on the track and correct your belief.
I will only write about commonly found
incorrect beliefs. The following is what
we all sunnis should believe in according
to Quran and hadis.
Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah
(Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam)
is present ever where at all times.
Sahabi Sayyidna Muaviya (Radi allah o anha
) is our 5th caliph and a true Sahabi.
He was a writer of the wahi.
No one can blame him for the actions of his
son. Anyone who will disrespect him or any
other Sahabi, in any way will instantly
become a kafir. According to hadis the
Prophet said any one who insults my sahabis
, my lanat and allahs lanat and
his angels lanat and lanat of all creation of
allah be on him.
There are several hadis banning muslims to
make friends with kuffar/kafir and munafik.
Do not expect Allah to grant you your wish
while you have friends who are vahabis or
shias or kafir. Stay away from them even
if they are your own brothers or sisters.
Loyalty is the first quality in Islam.
Celebrating Urs/Moulud/Death anniversay
of a Wali Allah is Sunnah.
According to Hadis everyone including
Kafir can see us and hear us after death
. That is why women are not allowed to visit
grave yards except to visit the graves of
family members.
According to hadis and Quran all Prophets,
Sahabis, Auliya Allah, Salih Muslims,
shaheed, or ev
en your own parents or family members can
help you after death, provided they want to.
I have come across hundreds of cases
where the dead father or mother or
grand parents came in the dream of their
children and told them do something or not
to do it. Happened to me hundreds of times
and has happened to most Muslims once at
least. Even happened to non Muslims.
So you know exactly what I am talking about
. Do not believe in Wahabi ideas which are
totally against the Hadis and Quran.
Allah has given us the permission to ask for
help from people who have died since
they are not dead. Only that they are
living in another world. From where
they can see us and hear us.
Allah has given them the power to help us
and solve our problems according to their
rank and status which only Allah knows.
According to hadis " If you did a minnah
(minnet) complete it". To do a minnah at the Grave/Mizar/Turbe of a Wali Allah is
Mustahab. Meaning it is preferred.
Your Hajat or problem will be solved quickly.
Anyone who refuses to believe that Prophets,
Sahabis, Auliya allah, Salih muslims and
shaheeds can help you after passing away
from this world becomes a kafir instantly.
Allah in Quran pacifically said that he
prefers if you do a dua with the waseela of a
Prophet or a Sahabi or a Wali Allah. Allah
has declared it a favour which, he granted,
to use the waseela of his friends.
Sayyidina Sheikh Abdul Kadir Jilani
(Rehmatullah aleyh)with the permision
of Allah is also present every where at all
times. He is the biggest Wali Allah and all
Auliya Allah (Sufi saints) are under his
direct command. He is the biggest Kutub or
Ghaus until the arrival of Imam Mehdi.
His feet are on the neck of all Auliya Allah.
If you call Sayyidina Sheikh Abdul Kadir Jilani(Rehmatullah aleyh) for help, he will
come as he promised to come to the help
of any muslim who will call him.
I personally called him many times and
twice in life threating situations and
he came to help me.
Anyone who refuses the Auliya Allah or
their powers or says " i dont need them" is a murtid. Refusing one Wali Allah is equal to
refusing them all and calling them all a lier
. Allah says
"if you want to fight with my Auliya Allah
(Sufi saints) be ready for a fight with me".
when leaving the mizar/turbe/Grave of a
Prophet, Sahabi, or a Wali Allah, do not
turn your back towards them. It is extremely disrespectful. The angels present there send
lana (lanat) on that person.
There are 5 main sufi traiqas in Islam.
Namely Nakshbandi, Suharwardi, Chisti,
Qadri and Shazli. The source of all of them
is Sayyidina Sheikh Abdul Kadir Jilani
(Rehmatullah aleyh).
According to hadis anyone who saw the
Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah
(Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam)
in his dream saw only him and no one else.
After seeing Prophet Muhammad Rasullul
lah (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam
) in his dream all his sins were forgiven.
Shifaat of the Prophet Muhammad
Rasullul lah (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam)becomes compulsory (vajib)
for him. He will go to jannah
(paradise) for sure. It does not mean
he will not do any more sins (Gunah),
it only means that Allah will give him the izin/permission to do a tobah before death.
Hence he will die clean.
The biggest thing in islam is seeing the
Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah
(Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam)
in your dream. No other ibadah or prayers
or any deed what so ever equals to seeing
the Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah
(Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam)
in your dream.
As a Muslim it is your duty to try to see the
Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah
(Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallim)
in your dream since he is the father of the
whole Ummet. Anyone who does not want
to see his own father does not belong to him.
On Meraj Allah asked 3 times from the
Prophet (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam)
"what do you want" and 3 times he replied
"forgive my Ummet". So please have a bit
of shame and sense of gratitude that our
own Prophet (Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi
wa sallam) loves us so much. What have we
done for him?
The Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah
Ayone can write a Salavat/Darood in praise
of the Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah
(Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallim)
according to Sayyedina Ali (Radi allaho anha
). Hence anyone who refuses the recognised Salavat/Darood written by other Aulia
Allahs is a murtid. Those Darood/Salavat
are tried and tested and are favourite of our
Prophet Muhammad Rasullul lah
(Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam).
Especially Qasida Burda (
Author:Sayyedina Imam Buseri
Rehmatullah alaih) which is loved by the prophet extremely. Anything that the Prophet
(Sallal laho alaihi wa aalehi wasallam)
likes and you dislike it, your place in hell
is confirmed. Be very careful about this.
(Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam)
knows everything and anything that there is
to know as he is present every where.
\Allah has created everything from the
noor/Nur/Light of the Prophet
Muhammad Rasullul lah
(Sal lal laho alaihey wa aalehi wa sallam)
and he is the owner of jannah and
every thing that Allah created.
Hadis: "A respectful person gets his murad"(desire)............Do not take names
of any Prophets, Sahabis, Aulia Allah as
if they are your friends. You must use
appropriate titles like Sayyedina and
always say Alai his salam for Prophets,
Radi Allaho anha for Sahabis and Aulia
Allah or Rahmatullah Alaih for Auliya Allah.
Be warned that all Aulia Allah are brothers
among themselves. You disrespect one of
them, you insult all of them.